Engaging Stakeholders, UMMI Offers Various Research Innovations
Engaging Stakeholders, UMMI Offers Various Research Innovations

Engaging Stakeholders, UMMI Offers Various Research Innovations

  • Posted by admin 2
  • at Kamis, 21 Desember 2023

Sukabumi, ummi.ac.id – The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI) once again held the prestigious annual event, Research Day. This time, the theme was 'Enhancing UMMI's Reputation with Innovative Works.' The event occurred on December 21, 2023, at the UMMI Auditorium. The event attracted significant attention from academics, industry players, and the wider community.

In the context of reputation enhancement, UMMI, as an educational institution capable of producing impactful innovations, played a key role by directing this event towards the exposure of innovative works resulting from the research of UMMI lecturers and students.

The main activities in this year's Research Day included a series of Innovation Exhibitions, Innovation Presentations, and the LPPM Award. The showcased research themes covering technology, health, environment, and economics, providing real solutions to societal challenges.

Dr. Reny Sukmawani, M.P., expressed confidence that sustained innovation is a crucial foundation in building UMMI's strong reputation. "Through this Research Day, we are committed to supporting researchers in realizing innovative ideas that benefit society," she explained.

Furthermore, the Head of BAPPEDA Sukabumi City and the Head of BAPPELITBANGDA Sukabumi Regency, represented by the Head of Research and Development (Kabid Litbang), both expressed hope that the research presented today would not only serve as inspiration but also as natural solutions to contemporary challenges.

Research Day, initiated by LPPM-UMMI, serves as a platform for academic achievements and a critical moment to strengthen UMMI's image as a center for superior research capable of producing quality, relevant, and beneficial innovations for the wider community.