Faculty of Agriculture
Creating Faculty of Agriculture to be enterpreneurial and a superior in development of science, technology and arts in agricultural and islamic field in 2020.
- Building a system and academic atmosphere to produce graduates who are independent, enterpreneurial and having taqwa to Allah SWT.
- Developing and disseminate science, technology and agricultural arts through educations, research and community services.
- Integrating Al-islam and Muhammadiyah based agriculture through Catur Dharma of University according to Syari’ah mission.
- Producing graduates who have expertise in their field, independent and islamic-personalized.
- Developing Science, Technology and Agricultural Arts for the purpose of development and improvement of islamic-based public welfare.
- Improving academic competences and professionalism of the academic civities through education, research and community service activities based on Al-islam and Muhammadiyah.
- Improving the performance of lecturers and administrative staffs in order to improve management, organization and services quality.