Faculty of Science and Technology
To be an excellent and competitive faculty in science and technology that is capable of integrating with Islamic in year 2022.
- Implementing the national standard academic so that students have islamic academic competence in Science and Technology field.
- Implementing and developing islamic-based research in science and technology which is qualified and integrated with other dharma.
- Developing and disseminating islamic knowledges in the field of science and technology through dedications to community as an effort to contribute in improving life quality of them.
- Integration of islamic-based Catur Dharma of University and carrying out Syari’ah mission in the field science and technology.
- Producing qualified, islamic personalized and competent graduates who have good work ethic and and competitiveness in science and technology.
- Developing knowledges of science and technology to encourage develeopment continuation.
- Developing academic competencies and civities professionalism through featured research activities in science and technology.
- Improving research results in science and technology through the development of problem solving-oriented research.
- Disseminating and implementing the result of islamic-based researches in science and technology as a cummunity service.
- Preparing the Faculty of Science and Technology as the study centre and the development of Al-islam and Muhammadiyah in science and technology perspective.