A Brief History
Al-islam and Muhammadiyah Study Centre (AIK) of Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi (UMMI) is an institution handling matters regarding to Al-islam (Islamic) and Muhammadiyah as the identity of Muhammadiyah Colleges (PTM). The institution was found on the same time as UMMI. At the beginning, the institution was only a team which was responsible managing General Courses (MKU) about Al-islam and Muhammadiyah. The member of the team was distributed in several places (not centrallized) and led by the late Barchoya Mansyur.
In 2006, the AIK team changed the management and it was Entis Sutisna, SL, M.Ag. becaming the Head until 2013. The Rector Decree No. 179/KEP/1.0/A/2014 about Establishment of Al-islam and Muhammadiyah Study Centre of Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi, AIK Team changed its name into Al-islam and Muhammadiyah Study Centre of Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi (AIK UMMI) along with the replacement of the head. AIK UMMI is now led by Andri Moewasih, S.Thi., M.M.