UMMI Library Held Al-Quran Khatam and Tilawah Spot Service Launching
UMMI Library Held Al-Quran Khatam and Tilawah Spot Service Launching

UMMI Library Held Al-Quran Khatam and Tilawah Spot Service Launching

  • Posted by administrator
  • at Jumat, 24 Mei 2019

Library, - Library of Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi (UMMI) now has a rule for its librarians and staffs to read the Qur'an before starting their work. This activity will be a part of the morning briefing agenda which is held every day. Each person reads 2 to 3 verses in turn, and then read the translations. The UMMI Library believes that reading the Qur'an in the morning is an effective way to start the day full of blessings from Allah.

Reading the Qur'an provides tremendous benefits in improving the quality of reading of librarians and staff. This is because there is direct interaction between librarians / staff to correct any errors when the verses are read. For example; the pronunciation of letters, long-short reading, and the law of reading. It shows that the UMMI Library uses the concept of learning by doing to improve the ability to read the Qur'an. Coupled with the reading of verse translations that provide knowledge to librarians / staff about the content of the verses, so that they can better understand and be motivated to improve themselves.

As time went on, verse by verse was read and translated, then the Qur'an was read at Juz 30. The UMMI library then held the Khatam Al-Qur'an together with the Launching of Tilawah Spot on May 17, 2019. The UMMI Library left the last three surah to be read together at the Launching event.

In its implementation, Khatam was guided by Ms. Yanti Sundari, S. Sos as the head of the Library and witnessed by invited guests who were present, namely the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and Student Association. The Khatam process takes place solemnly from the beginning of the recitation of the verse, the translation to the reading of the prayer by the head of the library. All librarians / staff and invited guests agree on every prayer that is sung in order to obtain blessings on Al'Quran's reading, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.

Tilawah Spot, which was launched directly by the UMMI Chancellor, Dr. Sakti Alamsyah, M.Pd. is a library innovation that supports the realization of UMMI as a campus that excels in the field of Islam. The UMMI Library places Tilawah Spot on the 2nd floor hallway with Al-Qur'an facilities, attendance lists, chairs, and sticky notes to include read verses.

The UMMI Library hopes that with the existence of Tilawah Spot it can motivate all UMMI members and the general public to familiarize themselves with reading the Qur'an before doing activities whenever and wherever. And when visitors are in the library during service hours, it is hoped that they can take the time to read Al-Qu’ran before reading a book, or other activities. In order to always be given blessings in every step and activity in the library.

Dr. Reny Sukmawani, M.P., Vice Rector I said that the launch of Tilawah Spot was an innovation of the UMMI library which should be appreciated. And advised the UMMI Library to inform innovations to students while inviting them to do recitations. The UMMI library itself gives freedom to visitors to write down anytime and use any reading media such as private applications or prayer rooms. The important point is that they read in the Tilawah Spot area and record their reading activities. This is because the UMMI Library requires recapitulation of data to find out which users are the most active Tilawah Spot.