Faculty of Nursing



Graduates of Diploma 3 Nursing are directed to be nurses who are giving islamic-based services of professional nursing, especially nurse-caring service to individual, family and community based  on the principles of nursing. Furthermore, graduates are to have leadership and reponsibility in managing the nurse-caring and to function as creative, productive, open to every future-oriented changes.



To realize a professional nursing education, excellent and qualified through scientific ethic and Islam in 2016.



  1. Forming intellectuals who are novicely professional, independent diploma and expert in nursing.
  2. Improving education quality in the field of nursing.
  3. Implementing nursing education and teaching which are competency-based and oriented to development of excellence in emergency.
  4. Implementing continuous researches and community services in the field of nursing and contributing to the realization of healthy and favorable academic atmosphere.
  5. Establishing governance of departement based on the principles of Good University Governance which is sustained by continuous quality assurance system.
  6. Establishing a qualified nursing education through excellent, competency-based, etchical and islamic based academic and learning activities in developing the graduate’s developing capability to meet the need of stakeholders.
  7. Improving human resources, lecturers, facilities and infrastructure that support excellent and qualified the learning process.


List of Courses: 


Mata Kuliah/Name of Course Smt SKS/ Credit
1 Anatomi Fisiologi/Anatomy and Fisiology 1 2
2 Fisika dan Biologi/Phisics and Biology 1 2
3 Psikologi/Psychology 1 2
4 Ilmu Gizi/Nutrition Science 1 2
5 Konsep Dasar Keperawatan/Nursing Basic Concept 1 2
6 Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia I/Basic Human Needs I 1 4
7 Studi Islam 1/Islamic Study 1 1 2
8 Kewarganegaraan/Civic Education 1 2
9 Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian 1 2
10 Komunikasi dalam Keperawatan/Communication for Nursing 2 2
11 Mikrobiologi dan Parasitologi/Microbiology and Parasitology 2 2
12 Etika Keperawatan/Nursing Etichs 2 2
13 Farmakologi/Farmachology 2 2
14 Biokimia/Biochemistry 2 2
15 Sosiologi/Sosiology 2 2
16 Patologi/Patology 2 2
17 Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia II/Basic Human Needs II 2 4
18 Studi Islam 2/Islamic Study 2 2 2
19 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan I/English for Nursing I 2 2
20 Sistem Informasi Kesehatan I/Health Information System I 3 2
21 Dokumentasi Keperawatan/Nursing Documentation 3 2
22 Promosi Kesehatan/Nursing Promotion 3 2
23 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II/English for Nursing II 3 2
24 Manaj. Dan Kep. Dalam Keperawatan/Management and Leadership of Nursing 3 2
25 Keperawatan Profesional/Professional Nursing 3 2
26 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah I/Medical Surgical Nursing I 3 4
27 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah II/Medical Surgical Nursing II 3 3
28 Studi Islam 3/Islamic Study 3 3 2
29 Keperawatan Anak I/Pediatrics Nursing I 4 4
30 Keperawatan Anak II/Pediatrics Nursing II 4 2
31 Keperawatan Maternitas I/Maternity Nursing I 4 4
32 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah III/Medical Surgical Nursing III 4 4
33 Keperawatan Jiwa I/Psychiatrics Nursing I 4 4
34 Bahasa Arab I/Arabic I 4 2
35 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan III/English for Nursing III 4 2
36 Sistem Informasi Kesehatan II/Health Information System II 4 2
37 Riset Keperawatan/Nursing Research 5 2
38 Keperawatan Jiwa II/Psychiatrics Nursing II 5 2
39 Keperawatan Maternitas II/Maternity Nursing II 5 2
40 Keperawatan Komunitas I/Community Nursing I 5 3
41 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah IV/Medical Surgical Nursing IV 5 3
42 Keperawatan Gawat Darurat I/Emergency Nursing I 5 3
43 Bahasa Arab II/Arabic II 5 2
44 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan IV/English for Nursing IV 5 2
45 Keperawatan Keluarga/Family Nursing 6 2
46 Keperawatan Gerontik/Gerontology Nursing 6 2
47 Keperawatan Komunitas II/Community Nursing II 6 3
48 Keperawatan Gawat Darurat II/Emergency Nursing II 6 2
49 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah V/Medical Surgical Nursing V 6 2
50 Karya Tulis Ilmiah/Scientific Paper 6 3
Study Program of Nursing