Officially Inaugurated: This is the Structural Officer of the Faculty of Health who has Go International
Officially Inaugurated: This is the Structural Officer of the Faculty of Health who has Go International

Officially Inaugurated: This is the Structural Officer of the Faculty of Health who has Go International

  • Posted by administrator
  • at Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019

Sukabumi, - Located in the meeting room of the University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI), on Wednesday (10/7/19) there was an inauguration of the structural officials of the Faculty of Health and the D-3 and S-1 Nursing Study Programs. Attended by the Daily Trustees Agency (BPH), Deputy Chancellor II and Deputy Chancellor III, the Chancellor inaugurated the Faculty of Health's stutural officials for the term 2019-2023 as follows Ns. Hendri Hadiyanto, M.Kep., As Dean of the Faculty of Health; Ns. Egi Mulyadi, M.Kep., As Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health; Ns. Ria Andriani, M.Kep., Sp.Kep. An., As Chair of the Nursing S-1 Study Program; Hadi Abdillah, MMRS., As Secretary of the S-1 Nursing Study Program; Ns. Irawan Danismaya, M.Kep., As Secretary of the Professional Education Ners; Sumirat Tresnayanti, M.K.M., as Chair of the Nursing D-3 Study Program; Ns. Anggun Fajar Ramadhani, M.Kep., As Secretary of the D-3 Nursing Study Program; Arfatul Makiyah, S.Pd., M.Kes., As Head of Laboratory; Ns. Azhar Zulkarnaen Alamsyah, S.Kep., As a Nursing S-1 Laboratory and Ns. Iman Firmansyah, S.Kep., As D-3 Nursing laboratory assistant.

UMMI Chancellor, Dr. Sakti Alamsyah, M.Pd., in his speech entrusted three messages to structural officials inaugurated. First, laying a commitment to strengthening and advancing the institution as a basis and orientation in carrying out tasks. Second, oriented to the best service and satisfying stakeholders. And third, build synergy and communication with all parties, in order to achieve the stated goals. These three things, may be material for thought and reflection, to be translated later in the implementation of future daily tasks later.

The Chancellor also said that the UMMI Faculty of Health had carried out international cooperation including Management and Science University (Malaysia), Mahsa University College (Malaysia) and Doctor Nueng Intercare Krabi and Krabi International Hospital in the fields of Education and research. Also having collaborated with a Japanese company, Hikari, later UMMI students will take an internship in Japan when their status is still a student and when they graduate they have the opportunity to work in a Japanese hospital.